Tuesday, May 5, 2009

aFrican circuS!!!

kami agak excited masa nak pegi tgk circus ni....1st time la katakan....tiket pun tkde laa mahal sangat....mcm tgk wayang je....and the show pun dlm 2h 30m..ok la...lama tu...actually kat sini everymonth ada circus, but each month different theme...masa bulan 3, i think real circus mcm dlm tv tu...yg ada singa masuk dalam gelung api...sort of la....but this month(april 09 ) theme dia african circus...so derang jemput stunt man from africa.
kagum gak laa tgk show ni...especially performance orang gayut2 atas tali tu,,,pergh!!!!! macam nk gugur jantung....yg sangat kagumnya, derang tak pakai any safety rope pun...yakin giler tak akan jatuh....amaze!!!!
guess what i found there? cotton candy!!!!! sangat excited masa nampak org jual tu...BUT!!! cotton candy dia tk soft....sangat kasar...makan banyak2 boleh luka lidah....they need to learn how to make real cotton candy!!! seriously!!!!!!!!
one thing yang aku perasan kat sini, orang2 kat sini jenis tk makan saman tau...not polite n no civic!!!! esp bab beratur....derang jenis tak pandai beratur....main potong jeee line org....huh..kita nak marah pun macam tak guna..sbb derang stupid!!..i think malaysian is far more polite..yg paling sopan la! miss malaysia so much....

budak2 ni sangatlaa frenly....sekali je amik pic derang....sibuk nk bergambar lagi..siap berebut ni budak dua org ni...berebut nak duduk sebelah wan (camera man)...hehhehhe funny!



  1. Privyet!

    Seronoknya dia pergi circus... :)

  2. ishhh ishhh ishh.. sronokk nyerrr..

  3. aranam? ermmm mcm tau je sapa tu..
    dah set dah....evrymonth kitorang nak tgk circus!

  4. Jemputlah singgah ke teratak hamba yang tidak seberapa... :)
