Monday, July 13, 2009

deadly hot!! but deadly tasty!

july, the peak of summer! wooohhhhh......panas nyee lain macam.not like in malaysia! people easily get sick here, same goes with me. i just cant stand it! hmm cepat laa sejuk balik....kat umah pasang air cond 24 hours...even pagi kul 8 pun dh panas giler. panas kat sini membunuh! lagi teruk kalo naik cab, i have no idea how the taxi man can stand the heat n did have any effort to switch on the air cond. n we a like sitting inside oven. i hate summer!!!! very much!!!!

but, what i like during summer is the delicious marvelous tasty fruit! watermelon n honeydew. especially honeydew. it is sooooo juicy till it haunted me!whereever i go, i keep thinnking bout the fruit.its like if we go out, i cant hardly wait to go home, just to eat the fruit. panas2 makan buah sejuk2. like in heaven! the juicy of it never the same like in malaysia. seyesly!!!!! 1 thing i've notice, the smell of honeydew is dif with wat we have in malaysia. it smell stink but it taste damn good. believe me!


  1. die pakai baja ape kak? bau busuk?

  2. itu laa...buah honeydew kita tkde pun bau busuk...agaknya yg busuk tu laa wat dia sedap kan...hihihi...tapi buah tu ada time panas2 ni je...kang masuk bulan 9 abis la kena laa makan puas2 sementara ada ni...addicted!!!
