ni la 1st big trip since duduk kat tashkent ni...on 29th may, kitorang (me n wan & petronas staff yg bujang2 or kembali bujang sekejap) p Buxoro ( how to pronounce? Bukhara). my whole entire life, up until now, ni laa kali kedua kita naik train....huh...1st experiance was horror...coz i've realized that kita mabuk keretapi....but for the sake of this rip..which i really need it so bad for a redah je la!it take about 12 hour to reach cost us USD60 per head..which it include ticket train,tour guide n it feel...the train? hmmmmi cant sleep till it nearly morning...seyesly....seb baik ada help a lot...cos ada sekali tu kita nk p toilet...the worst part was, once train tu stop at each terminal, derang lock we have to wait till the train move again, then we can use the bayangkan, dalam toilet, terhuyung hayang mcm orang mabuk...yes...mmg mabuk! trus dapat headache....huh...horror! so apa ada kat Buxoro ni, tempat2 bersejarah....tu aje....but one thing yang attract me....."suzanes"....i really like those dia? i show u the pic....kita suka sebab jahitan n design dia so nice...especially the combination of color they used....really me! ada byk size...normally they used it to hang it on the wall...but it also can use it for dining table, or bed runner....ikut suka la kan...kitorang ada tour guide...nama dia bibi sumthing..i can remember...i dun want pun....coz i dun like her...bibi ni garang btul...kitorang kene dengar cerita dia...kalo borak ckit dh marah2...mcm cikgu sekolah bwk budak2 sekolah jalan2....each place dia bawak..kitorang kene dengardia cerita sejarah tpt tu....masalahnya...citer dia pjg sangat....dh la took our time, till nak leisure2 pun takleh...nak amik pic kene cepat2...nak tgk barang...nak shopping pun tkleh..kene curi2 masa...what are we doing there...vacation or educational trip? so annoy!!!!believe it or not...kita tak shopping apa2 pun!!!!!!!nothing!!!!!!!!!i want to buy those suzanes!!!!!!but i didnt!!!!huh!!!! i really dun like her...coz she like to flirting with if she was the miss universe!!!! she try to flirt with mu husband!!!!! how dare.....behind my back, she told wan "your eyes....your lip...your face remind me of my bf".....behind my back, n personally to wan alone...trus banned dia...bitchy!!!! the worst tour guide of all....but overall the trip was fun...coz the crowd that join the trip...semua kepala giler2...takde a busan....we are the only couple there...hihihih....ramai yg jeles rupanya....hihihihihi....cuaca? sangat panas....fuhhhhh!!!! really....malaysia pun tk panas mcm ni...tapi tu la..panas2 dia pun tak berpeluh sgt...kalo kat malaysia panas cmni...dah basah kuyup dah...hopefully byk lemak burn...turun skit beratbadan....trip ni one day trip je....ptg tu kitorang balik basically kitorang tidur dlm train mlm tu dalam train...kita leh tidur ngan nyenyak nya....even tkde aircond time tu...mula2 tu kepanasan....but later tu..malas nak pikir psl panas...semua keletihan...sedar2 je dah sampai tahskent...ooooo journey...the end!
p/s: one thing that i learned bout uzbekistan....previously during early century...derang sangat tax is a must...those yg tak mampu or tak bayar tax...mcm2 hukuman dikenakan...contoh; kene kelar badan 75 kali....kalo tak mati juga,kene kurung without food n drink...even org2 yang lalu kat penjara, akan baling2 barang kat org2 ni..kejam tul...up until now...derang ni sama jek...cuma bab kejam tu takde la..but bab tax tu...masa trip tu, pe je yg kitorang tk kene byr...masuk semua bangunan kene bayar...bawak camera masuk pun kene bayar...fee enterance n camera dah bayar...still dlm tu...duk atas kusi nak amik pic pun kene byr...then nak amik certain pic at certain area pun kene byr...byk tak tax kitorang kene? think bout it....everything is bout money...oo lagi satu....dahla tour guide tu dah dibayar kan..but still nak balik...kene bagi tips lagi....huh....yg tu sangat tak merelakan....
Percutian nampak best.. tapi cara penyampaian cerita ibarat mimpi ngeris yg separus sades.. miahahahaha... Tax dimana2.. kelako tol...